My Grandmother is almost 91 years old. She is my last living grandparent. She was married to my grandpa for 62 years when he passed away. And I love her to pieces. On September 1, she flew to my house from Florida and spent a full thirty days here. Today I drove her up to her old hometown of Marion and dropped her off at her old home church.

Grandmother lives with my mom and dad (dad is her son). Mom and dad flew out to Alaska on the same day for a 17-day trip. Grandmother is mobile, has her faculties about her, and can walk up and down stairs several times a day. While she was here, she kept my kitchen cleaned, my laundry folded, and learned how to operate a TIVO remote control. Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? She was great fun to have around and the time flew by. I was sad to let her go.

Also, last week my 43 year old mentally challenged cousin came to stay. She entertained us for a week. I dropped her off at her home Friday afternoon and then my sister came to stay Friday night. Everyone is now gone…at least until Wednesday when my parents roll in for a couple weeks. Tonight it is quiet and empty here. Thank goodness Tracy is not out of town and the kids are here. I’d really be down.

I love each of these visits. It was so hard for me to leave Florida and everything it meant to me, and although I am finally settling in up here, I treasure every moment of my family visits. My neighbors shake their heads in wonder at how often my family comes to stay, and that I actually want them to stay.

I guess I am blessed beyond measure. I have a great family that I love and for some reason (well, two, actually, i.e., my kids), they love to come to my place.

Thank you, Lord, for family visits.

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